Metaverse Part 2: Standards

13 Feb 2016

Continued from Part 1: What is it?

You've probably already gathered from the previous post that I'm far from being anything close to being a good writer. So, to not embarass myself, and take little of your precious time, I will use this pretty list to order my thoughts quickly.

Though, one more thing beforehand: I'm going to start differenciating between "a metaverse" (a set of connected virtual worlds) and "the Metaverse" (similar to the "World Wide Web", based on widely accepted open standards). The difference can probably also be seen in the following points.

Done already? I remember having a few more points to make, but either way, that's the gist of it. So, making the Metaverse happen shouldn't actually be that hard, right? All we'd need is actually just a couple of bright minds coming together, designing some base standards and start working on some implementations.

Which brings me back to the a point I've brought up in the last part: How can I get in on this? There's a high chance some companies are already researching or developing metaverse related technology. There's also a chance nobody's currently working towards building a truly open Metaverse as I've tried to outline.

Just in case someone wants to bring this up: Yes, there currently exists some standards to display virtual worlds, but this leaves connecting users up to the application. Most of these standards are also based on or built on top of XML or similar human-readable formats, which I don't get. Hasn't time and experience by now proven that, if you don't mind me speaking my mind, this is complete horsecrap? We have the chance to start something big, why build it on some decade old standards we know doesn't fit our needs?

In the meanwhile, since I have so little to say, why not look at these other links?