Weiße Weihnacht

This is the website of Weiße Weihnacht, a team-based online multiplayer snowball fighting game. There are currently 2 working gamemodes: Skirmish and Capture The Flag. A third one we planned to include in the game but haven't started working on is Capture Point.


WASD - Move.
Mouse - Look / aim.
LMB - Hold: Charge. Release: Throw.
RMB - Build / upgrade / drop.
Space - Hold: Reload / pickup.
Tab - Hold: Score board / team selection.
Enter - Chat.
Esc - Menu / exit.

How to play


weihnacht.zip (.exe inside, 2.23 MB)
weihnacht_src.zip (.gmk inside, 1.09 MB)
Last update: 31 Jul 2011



About two years ago we - frischideu and copyboy - wanted to make a game for the gm-d Community Adventskalender 2009 [GER]. But we didn't make it in time and the final result wasn't quite what we expected. We joined in the next year's calendar [GER] as well, trying to finish as much as possible before it was our game's turn. It's somewhat playable, but we both lost interest again, because we never got any good feedback or even had a game with a decent amount of players. Now it's time to finish it!


Programming - copyboy
Graphics - frischideu
Sounds - mauge

Made with Game Maker 7 and
using 39ster's networking DLL.