copygirl's Website


So this is my donation page. You may show your appreciation for the things I do here, by sending me the moneys. Note that I'm not financially dependent on monetary contributions or anything, so please only do this if you have already taken care of yourself and the people close to you. I'm still incredibly thankful for each donation, and may use them to upgrade my equipment, or end up supporting others. Stay wonderful! 💚

Do keep in mind that I might keep a semi-public record of the information you put in this form, though nothing beyond that. I do this to be able to make my stream notifications work, for example. If you want to send me any sensitive information, or perhaps if the 200 character limit is not enough, you can always contact me through other means!

If you'd like to support my Twitch stream, an alternative way to tip me is through StreamElements. This has the added benefit of showing a notification on the stream if I happen to be live at the time.

(200 chars max)
What's your donation for?





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